General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Day 1: Basic Principles of the New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Αll the key principles and points that business owners and employees need to know to be able to respond to the issue of Personal Data Management. Issues such as the Principles of the Regulation, rights & obligations, the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), Impact Assessment on Data Protection etc. are presented.
Day 2: General Data Protection and Information Technology
GDPR and Privacy Issues related to Information Technology & Information Security. Risk Management, Information Security & Privacy (social media, internet, smart phones, portable storage, etc.), technological capabilities, choice of solutions, encryption, pseudonymization, data maintenance, business continuity etc.
- Business executives engaged in the collection, processing, transmission, use and storage of Personal and Corporate Data,
- Accountants,
- Personnel Managers (HR),
- Marketing Managers and employees,
- Internal Auditors,
- Compliance Managers,
- Legal Service Managers and employees,
- IT employees
- All Executives involved in planning, testing and evaluation the Data Protection & Security and the operation of the IT Systems of the company.
Days: 2
Start Date: 11-07-2018
End Date: 12-07-2018
Cost: 495,00€
Ability to participate in a single day with only 295,00€.
You can find information about the training program and the examination process here.
P: +(357) 7000 32 32
E: info@pcxmanagement.eu
W: www.pcxmanagement.eu
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