Project Presentation
GREEN ANGELS project aims to generate a high-quality learning opportunity, incorporating the development of essential skills for self-entrepreneurship involving motivation and social inclusion activities. These skills will be developed across the curriculum by using an innovative approach that combines classical learning with e-learning and media technology 2.0 through a web portal. In this way, the GREEN ANGELS project will design an interactive educational pathway available in all the languages of the partnership for use across Europe, to upskill low qualified and socially excluded migrants/BMEs and provide them with self-entrepreneurship competencies giving them the opportunity to fight against exclusion and marginalization and enter the labour market.

The goals of the Green Angels project are:
- Creation of learning materials on the subject of independence.
- Web Portal and e-learning platform.
- Service Hub: Marketplace for small services.
- Strengthening entrepreneurship among migrants.
Indirect objectives: social cohesion and digital participation.
Target Group
- At least 2 independent entrepreneurs.
- 10 people with migration background

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