4th project meeting in Mannheim, Germany
The 4th project meeting of the EU project “iNduce 4.0”
took place in Mannheim on April 3rd and 4th, 2019. The meeting took
place according to the project’s schedule and aimed to facilitate the
decision-making process of several tasks, which are currently being
All partner institutions from the iNduce 4.0 project were represented and the meeting was conducted smoothly and constructively.
The team was first greeted by UPM (Romania), which is the leader of
the project and then by EVBB (Germany), which was the hosting partner.
There was a discussion on the final versions of the iNduce 4.0 training course as well as their national translations.
EVBB presented O3 – Induce 4.0 Practical methodology for work-based
learning, which will also be translated into all partners’ national
languages. PCX presented the progress on the iNduce 4.0. e-learning
platform and the first two modules (Module 1 and Module 2) that are
ready and uploaded on the platform. Last, there was a final discussion
for the pilot tests that will take place by all partners (12
participants / country) starting from July 2019.
The meeting continued with processes regarding management and reporting, financial details, Dissemination issues and ended with the preparation of the partners next steps.

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